So you wanna help make FallsCon a blast?
There are a few ways to volunteer!
Staff Volunteer
Help give hundreds of attendees the best gaming experience possible. All volunteers who work eight hours at FallsCon receive the following!
Free Weekend Badge
Access to the Staff Hideout with snacks and drinks
A sense of pride that YOU helped make FallsCon a success!
Do not purchase a badge if you are volunteering. Completion of the application does not guarantee acceptance into the volunteer program
Volunteers under the age of 18 must submit a parent permission and liability release form before their volunteer application will be approved. This form can be delivered in person to a Board Member or can be scanned and emailed to admin@fallscon.net. You cannot wait until the convention to submit the parent permission and liability release form.
Run Games
Share your passion and run a board, card, roleplaying etc. game of your choice. You can require that players know the game beforehand, or welcome brand-new players and teach them - the details are up to you!
Increase your visibility and announce your support for gaming on the FallsCon website and at the convention.