Play games. help students.

FallsCon Gaming Convention is an event put on by gamers, for gamers. Our planning committee is also dedicated to our community and passionate about education. That’s why FallsCon brings people together to create safe and inclusive communities, share the benefits of gaming, and support academic goals through financial aid.

One way we do this is through our scholarships! Last year we gave away scholarships to two deserving students in the amount of $200 each. We are looking to grow this amount this upcoming year and each year afterwards.

Are you a student? Here’s how to apply!

Before you apply, please take a look at our criteria for students who apply:

  • Have attended at least one semester at Midwestern State University

  • Are currently enrolled at Midwestern State University full-time

  • Have a 2.5 GPA or higher and are in good standing

  • Are a member of the Midwestern State University eSports & Gaming Club (not required, but preferred)

After looking over our criteria, please fill out our application below!

I’m not a student, how can I help?

If you are passionate about the same things we are, there are several ways you can help!

FallsCon Gaming Convention is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your contributions, whether they be financial contributions or physical goods, help make FallsCon what it is and allow us to put more money into our scholarships for local Midwestern State University students.

If you are interested in a sponsorship, please read about our sponsorship opportunities here. If you’d like to make a one-time donation, please email

And of course, just attending and enjoying our event goes back to helping students attending Midwestern State University. If you’re interested in attending, be sure to buy a badge today!