Open System Basics

The Open System reduces the quantity of categories normally found in most painting competitions. The typical categories such as Best Unit or best Large Scale Model aren’t used. Rather than focus on the types of subject matter being presented the Open System focuses on the type of modeling work being performed.

Single model Category

This category includes figure models where the exhibitor understands that only the painting aspects of the entry are judged. Regardless of any added basing or physical modification to the model, an entry that is single figure model that is not a vehicle, monster, or “unusually” large (generally, any two dimensions greater than 3 inches) should be in this category. Entries in this category are judged for Difficulty, Creativity, Workmanship, Painting Skill & Presentation with the primary focus on the Painting Skill.

Here is a breakdown of the criteria and the percentage amounts the judges consider when judging a piece in the Single Model category. The judges use these percentages as a guide to base their final determination on the placing of the piece.

Difficulty: 5%

Creativity: 10%

Workmanship: 10%

Painting Skill: 70%

Presentation: 5%

Squad Category

This category includes figure models where the exhibitor understands that only the painting aspects of the entry are judged. Regardless of any added basing or physical modification to the model, an entry that is at least 4 physically separate figure models should be in this category. Entries in this category are judged for Difficulty, Creativity, Workmanship, Painting Skill & Presentation with the primary focus on the Painting Skill.

Here is a breakdown of the criteria and the percentage amounts the judges consider when judging a piece in the Squad category. The judges use these percentages as a guide to base their final determination on the placing of the piece.

Difficulty: 5%

Creativity: 10%

Workmanship: 10%

Painting Skill: 70%

Presentation: 5%

Vehicle/Monster category

The Vehicle/Monster category is for those exhibits where the principle entry is not a sculpt of a person or creature but for vehicles, monsters, & other large models (any two dimensions greater than 3 inches). This category is much like the Painters category and the emphasis is on painting skill, however, because these are often kits there is additional emphasis on difficulty and workmanship.

Here’s a breakdown of the percentage amounts the judges consider when judging a piece in the Vehicle/Monster Category. The judges use these percentages as a guide to base their final determination on the placing of the piece.

Difficulty: 15%

Creativity: 10%

Workmanship: 30%

Painting Skill: 35%

Presentation: 10%

Entry Size Limitation

Please contact the Exhibition Staff before bringing any entry larger than 24" cubed. Any large diorama or display requires additional preparation by the staff and space may not be available.

Other Rules

  • Any number of entries are permitted per painter per category, but only one of a painter's entries in each category will be judged.

  • Basing adds to the Presentation value of your entry.

  • By submitting an entry you agree to allow the model to be photographed by Fallscon Staff/volunteer photographers for use in ads, promotions, and galleries.

  • All entries submitted for judging must be modeled/painted personally by the original entrant. The discovery that a person entered for judging an exhibit they did not personally create will result in the barring of that individual from all future Fallscon Open painting contest events.

  • Models that have been entered for judging in a prior Fallscon Painting competition/Fallscon Open event are not allowed and such entries will be disqualified in accordance with the spirit of the Exhibition.

  • Submissions close at 6:00 PM Saturday, April 5, 2025 Central Time. Submissions received after this time will not be judged or scored for this year’s contest.

Submit your Fallscon Open Entrees here.